We finally gave her a bath and thanks to the towel swaddling technique she actually loved her first bath. She cried when it was over.

We've also had so much help over the past several weeks. Rick and Kim came and Kim was such a huge help when I was so sick after delivery... we honestly probably wouldn't have survived had she not been here to help take care of Mila. My parents came several times and were such a huge help and I'm not sure anyone loves Mila more than Opa (besides Nolan and I of course). And once my sister came I felt so good that we were able to get so many projects done around the house and I've never felt more productive.
We absolutely love Mila. Daddy is definitely smitten with his little girl. She already has so many cute little quirks and personality traits. She'll definitely be a happy camper once she's old enough to move around and explore her world. We love her and are so glad she's here, happy and thriving.
She is so sweet! I need to come up and see her and kiss those cheeks!
amber, your little one is so sweet & you have a beautiful family :)
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