Thursday, October 22, 2009

False acusations

So I heard through the grape-vine that I like harry potter. This information is FALSE! I will admit, that for a series of books that are being read to me -BECAUSE OF LOSING A BET- are put together well. I did in fact say that I'd give it 95 out of 100 for its "put-togetherness", but over-all my liking for the books are about the same as when we started. Close to nill. The books still have plenty of faults and are not at all what they were built up to be. I know there are some HP lovers out there, but count me out. The book is way predictable, there are parts that don't really add up and are only explained by "because it's magic", and with an exception to the last 2 books, the rest of the series is pretty repetitive (crappy summer at the dursleys, 9 and 3/4, school, malfoy, dubledork, quiddich, harry saves all, harry is the best, harry's new love, snape is bad, uht oh voldemort, harry defeats him...again, school is over, hogwarts express). Sound familiar? Sorry to all those that love the world of arry potta, but I had to clear this up a bit.


Julie said...

bummer. i was so excited for you. but at least you gave them an honest try, i can respect that.

Kelsey M. said...

haha. i give you points for even reading them at all. or "listening" to them i guess. i've tried, and keep saying i will try again, but we shall see...