While we were there we were able to go down to Portland for a day to see Nolan's parents. They were very generous and welcoming to us. They took us out to dinner and we had a lot of quality chatting. It also turned out that Nolan's dad had to go up to the Tacoma area for the weekend for work. Kim came up for the weekend to stay with him, and on Saturday she was able to come with Nolan, my dad, Bobby and I to the zoo. It was so much fun.
I did get a job offer in Tacoma, however we're still waiting to hear back about jobs out there for Nolan. So were still not very sure what we'll be doing this summer. We're still weighing all of our options and also waiting to hear about some jobs here in Logan. Who knows where we'll end up. At least we have a break from school. It's very needed at this point.

:) glad you've made it back and had a good time. i cant believe how big bobby is! your nephews are adorable.
That's exciting that Vanessa & Christian had another boy! I didn't know she was even pregnant! I think I am officially out of the loop being out east. That so fun that you were able to be up there to see Bobby and their new baby. Good luck with the job hunt!
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